Storytelling & Facilitation
Architecture expertise is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for an architecture practitioner to make an impact in the organization. As a matter of fact, enterprise, business, and IT architects usually spend a significant amount of their working hours on relationship management, consultation, problem solving, and communication. This is crucial to make people understand, accept, and participate in architecture efforts. Therefore, architecture practitioners are more than ever before required to wear different hats and, among others, be able to assume the roles of a marketeer and a sales specialist to a certain extent. At the same time, with the rising adoption of a more collaborative approach to enterprise architecture and business architecture, practitioners are increasingly asked to help balance things out and overcome conflicting interests. Essentially they are needed as facilitators and mediators.
We offer two dedicated training courses to help master the interpersonal challenges that an architecture practitioner faces. One course lets you dive into architecture storytelling, while the other one focuses on facilitation. Based on some methodical foundations, both courses come in hands-on formats that are highly practice oriented.
Course Content
- Foundations of architecture storytelling
- Story design approaches and tools
- Story patterns
- Storytelling in use for architecture concepts / deliverables
Course Duration
2 days
Public Course Dates
next dates for this course to be held in English coming soon
Our “Architecture Facilitation” course provides architecture practitioners with means to help facilitate discussions with stakeholders while working on certain deliverables such as, e.g., visions, target architectures, or roadmaps. It deals with various formats and tools that you can use while acting as a facilitator in typical enterprise, business, or IT architecture work sessions. A number of group exercises let you experience the approaches yourself.
Course Content
- Foundations of architecture facilitation
- Formats and tools for facilitators dealing with architecture matters
- Architecture facilitation practice scenarios
Course Duration
2 days
Public Course Dates
currently no dates scheduled for this course to be held in English