Business Architecture

We are a Guild Accredited Training Partner® (GATP®). The business archi­tecture (BA) training courses we offer are thus accredited by the Business Archi­tecture Guild.

Our courses are aligned with the BIZBOK® Guide (A Guide to the Business Archi­tecture Body of Knowledge®), which we incorporate into a comprehen­sive view on the topic area. This is based on a con­ceptual framework that distinguishes between three chunks of business archi­tecture content: business motivation, business model, and business execution (which we refer to as the “Business Architecture Triangle”). It was created by our founder Daniel during his Ph.D. work that he finished in 2013. With several publications and talks on business archi­tecture, Daniel has been aiming to live up to the role of a pioneer and thought leader in the field for about fifteen years.

Our courses help prepare for the Certified Business Architect® (CBA®) exam and, once certified, earn Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits to maintain one’s certi­fication status. Sitting the exam (not included in our courses) requires member­ship in the Business Architecture Guild.

Master Class:
Business Architec­ture

Our master class provides a com­prehen­sive look into business architecture con­cepts, framed by three fundamental domains: busi­ness motivation, business model, and business execu­tion. Along the way you take a deep dive into busi­ness archi­tecture mapping, incl., e.g., value stream, capability, infor­mation, and organi­zation mapping. The course also addresses approa­ches to business archi­tecture ana­lysis and planning and offers gui­dance as to business architec­ture practice deve­lop­ment. It is well suited for practitioners interested in a highly com­prehensive explo­ration of business archi­tec­ture from moti­vation to execution and preparation for the CBA® exam alike.

  • Business architecture concepts – from business motivation and business model to business execution
  • Business architecture mapping, incl., e.g., strategy, product, value stream, capability, information, and organization mapping
  • Business architecture analysis
  • Business architecture planning
  • Business architecture practice development
  • … and more

19 – 22 November 2024 | Live Online


Special Course:
BA Mapping Expert

Our “BA Mapping Expert” course is designated for business archi­tecture practitioners with prior experiences in developing business architecture blue­prints across the domains of the BIZBOK® Guide. It deals with certain challenges and questions that may arise in practice, particularly as to value stream and capa­bility mapping, and ties these back to the mapping prin­ciples and guide­lines in the BIZBOK® Guide. It thus provides advanced mapping guidance and allows increa­sing one‘s proficiency in business archi­tecture map­ping. It is particu­larly suited for Certified Business Archi­tects® to obtain Conti­nuing Education Unit (CEU) credits.

Advanced guidance on …

  • … constructing value stream and capability maps
  • … using value streams, capabilities, and other selected BA concepts
  • … crafting and employing different kinds of cross-mappings

currently no public course dates scheduled


Special Course:
BA Storytelling

Our “BA Storytelling” course (a variation of our general “Archi­tecture Story­telling” course) focuses on the use of stories to engage with business architecture stake­holders in an effective way, particularly as to articu­lating a BA practice‘s value propo­sition and explaining the benefits and usage of specific BA blueprints. Story crafting in the course builds upon the business archi­tecture practice guidance, the business architecture scenarios, and the mapping benefits and prin­ciples as described in the BIZBOK® Guide. The course is parti­cularly suited for Certified Business Archi­tects® to obtain Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits.
  • Story design fundamentals
  • Overview of story patterns
  • Storytelling: BA practice value proposition
  • Storytelling: business architecture blueprints

next dates in 2024



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